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Welcome to BK's BS (Brent Kassing's Bible Study).

From May of 2020 to October of 2021, I recorded a weekly 15 minute devotional every Wednesday live on Instagram, and uploaded it here and to YouTube. My purpose in doing so was to stay connected with a regular practice that occurs during our mission trips to Brazil. My goals were to:
1. Figure out a way to stay in touch with the Bible, without just reading the Bible for the sake of reading it. How can this applied today?
2. Be vulnerable and address topics personal to me and perhaps not so popular in the secular world.
3. Grow in my faith.

I'm very happy with how this practice met these goals. What's next? I'm not so sure…..but I do know Who to go to ask….

God Bless.


Back to the Amazon

Wrapping up BK's BS (for now), I talk about my upcoming trip to the Amazon. It's the end of this phase of my life where the pandemic came and left with a drought of time spend in the field doing missionary work. For some, there may be concerns about catching "something" while traveling, and isn't it best to wait until it's safer. And for that, I simply say, if you were struggling, alone and feeling as if nobody knew you existed, would you prefer someone reached out you? Yes, we wall would. The jungle may be full of "stuff", but most importantly, the jungle is full of people who need to know they are not forgotten, they are loved and we are here for them.

Where do you go for advice?

On my next to last BK BS, I speak about how I've turned to the Bible for advice across numerous issues these past 18 months. It's so easy for us to turn to a friend, the internet, a book or something else before turning to God. You may wonder, why should God care about ? Well, He does. He cares about your whole life. And the lesson I've learned from doing these weekly, is that the Bible has guidance for everything.

Workout or Religion

I love to workout. Taking care of your body not only help you feel good, but also helps you when you encounter challenging situations or illnesses. There are, however, it seems those who have turned their workout into a religion. Their various adoptions of various techniques can sometimes make it appear you are part of a cult vs getting a new workout. Does that make these clubs bad? Not at all…..but what I talk about here is being aware of THIS replace our true religion, our true belief system and what really matters namely our faith in Jesus Christ.

What is your dream....?

What is your dream ? The secular world tells you over and over about how you should get X, that is your dream. Will that dream fulfill you? (No). What do you think God's dream X is? Have you ever thought about how God will answer such a question?

Can you see it?

Have you ever put off a simple task, only to complete it and then wondered why you didn't do this earlier? That's how I see opportunities with God. He puts option in front of us; sometimes we turn on the light...other times we just leave it dark

Just a little patience.....

God is Love. Love is Patient. God is Patient. Patience is what is listed FIRST. God shows his love by being patient with us….and we show our love to him and others by being patient with them.

1 Corinthians 13
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Would you invite Derek Chauvin to dinner?

We are living in world where not only do we want justice, but we also demonize and shame those who disagree with us or who have done evil. This is not to appease those who have committed crimes. However, it's to remind us all as Christians that those who have fallen still can be redeemed and saved here on earth.

Your past does not equal your future

Are you letting your past shame stop you from moving forward to greatness in the future? What would have happened if Paul (Saul) did that? Would Christianity had spread at a similar pace? What about your pastors? Do you think they have anything in their past they are not proud of? Sure they do. But they continue to teach and inspire. And you, despite your past, can and will be used by God for greatness!