What is this?

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Welcome to BK's BS (Brent Kassing's Bible Study).

From May of 2020 to October of 2021, I recorded a weekly 15 minute devotional every Wednesday live on Instagram, and uploaded it here and to YouTube. My purpose in doing so was to stay connected with a regular practice that occurs during our mission trips to Brazil. My goals were to:
1. Figure out a way to stay in touch with the Bible, without just reading the Bible for the sake of reading it. How can this applied today?
2. Be vulnerable and address topics personal to me and perhaps not so popular in the secular world.
3. Grow in my faith.

I'm very happy with how this practice met these goals. What's next? I'm not so sure…..but I do know Who to go to ask….

God Bless.


Redeeming Lives Matters (part 3)

I wrapped up this series with a conversation called "Not Guilty". A key Christian principle is being forgiven; not holding on to sins of our past nor of those before us. We are have been given mercy by God. We are saved. We are forgiven. Do you and your church understand this? What better time so explain the Gospel to those around you who first look to shame, condemn and ridicule.

Redeeming Lives Matters (part 1)

As Christians, why do we join the rest of the world in condemning and shaming first, vs prayers for the redemption of those who do wrong? Most are missing their moment to show what true grace and mercy is and what makes our vision different from the secular world. We are all loved by God and are redeemable through His grace and mercy. That is the message.